
When ordering from our e-shop, customers can choose between several popular modes of transport.

If you do not find the right one below, feel free to contact us so that we can find suitable delivery methods for you.

DPD parcel machine:
The order will arrive at the parcel machine within 2-5 working days.
You can find more information about parcel vending machines and their locations at

SmartPOST parcel machine:
The order will arrive at the parcel machine within 2-5 working days.
You can find more information about parcel machines and their locations at

Omniva parcel machine:
The order will arrive at the parcel machine within 2-5 working days.
You can find more information about parcel machines and their locations at

DPD courier service:
The courier service is provided by DPD EESTI AS. The order will be shipped within 2-5 working days to the address specified by the customer. Items up to 30 kg.

In case of any questions, send a letter to the e-mail address or contact customer support by phone +372 56883066